
Towanda is the alter ego, warrior spirit that ALL women (and even some men) possess within. She’s the one who refuses to be put in a box for the sake of pacifying others or being politically correct. Towanda speaks her mind whether you want to hear it or not. She’s strong willed, independent, yet fiercely loyal to those she loves and cares about. Towanda is the defender of the underdog, the bullied, and those who feel they aren’t good enough. Towanda believes in journalistic integrity and will hold media accountable and responsible for the information they broadcast.

Towanda’s mission is to ignite the warrior spirit in those who cross her path, to help them break free of any fear, ideology, or mind sets that prevent them from being the best they can be… and while she’s at it, she likes to talk about things like current events, politics, and issues that effect people around the world and the east Tennessee area.

You may find sarcasm, sprinkles of profanity, a few typos, and grammar errors, and even raunchy humor here… You’ve been warned. If these things offend you, grow thicker skin or simply “Unlike” the page. No need to be a douche and report everything she says because you don’t agree. If you can’t handle Towanda, then simply don’t visit her page.

With that said… may the spirit of Towanda be awakened in all who come here!

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